Learning to Hear God's Very Explicit Instructions




It’s been almost one month since I’ve written here anew. Not that God hasn’t been speaking, He’s had plenty to say, my journal can attest to that.  Nor is it my lack of hearing that has kept me from writing, I have heard enough “explicit instructions” in the last month to have written every day. So what is it that has kept me from writing and sharing my new-found truths? Truth is…… the truth hurts! Sometimes it is very painful to accept some frightful truths about oneself. And the Word of God has a way of really revealing our character flaws if we are truly “listening”. So honestly, I haven’t written because I had not figured out a way to make my dirty laundry at least smell clean. But God is so very good. He not only identifies my hard to clean areas, He uses the most effective and gentle spot removers, His blood, His Spirit and His unconditional love for me.

I began this V.E.I.N.S journey to truly explore the question; Is God still giving explicit instructions like He did in the historical Bible stories? And also, to explore the.mechanics of learning to hear those very explicit instructions from God. What I am learning is that often you don’t get more explicit instructions until you have OBEYED the instructions you have already received. God wants me to be a Doer of the Word and not just a Hearer (James 1:22-25). Just like “you don’t really learn math until you actually do the problems”. Being a Doer, makes a statement to God and man, that I have a sincere desire to learn; and that I have faith in the learning process that He has designed.

I was not willing to air the dirty laundry, I wanted to walk away from the mirror and forget what I really look like. I thought he would give me something easier to share, less damning. Don’t worry, I know that not all of us have been called to share our dirty laundry (Thank God), but when you have a sincere desire to hear explicit instructions from God, He always tells the truth and sometimes the truth hurts……but it is the truth that finally sets us free! Pray for me as I face the truth….the divine hearing aid, and write my way to freedom.

Comments on: "TRUTH OR DARE!!!" (4)

  1. mariaarovola@gmail.com said:

    Thank you for shearing my friend. I do look forward to the next inspiration.

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. SMH (shaking my head)!! If this isn’t the truth, then I don’t know what truth is!!! We can not be “free”, unless we are willing to face the truth. Even Shakespeare knew enough to say ” to thine own self be true!!” When God reveals our dirty laundry to us, it means He wants to Wash It NOW!! So we have the choice to freely give it to Him, or face Public Exposure or Stripping!! And even when giving it to Him freely, you still may face exposure, but it’s ok, because it will be a testimony to what God has done in your life!!!! And the results…, you’ll be clean and refreshed in that area!!! Great writing Sister!! Please continue to let the Lord use you to bless others!!!

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